Some of us prefer to hide in a safe, comfortable life, never taking risks, never daring to dream or to love. But then someone or something comes along and drags us out, kicking and screaming from our comfortable oasis, forcing us to face the world, to face life.
Such is what happened to gay high school teacher Tom Smith, in Jenna Hilary Sinclair’s book “Admit One.” Tom went to work every day at a high school in a small conservative Texas town, lived a quiet life (except for the occasional sexual adventure out of town) and was more than content to remain deep within the closet, living a life of solitude. In order to accomplish this, he had one rule: Do not sleep with anyone twice. So his life went along fine until he meet handsome Kevin Bannerman at a gay club. He sleeps with Kevin in what he believes to be one of his usual meaningless one night stands. Months later, he meets Kevin again and against his better judgment, sleeps with him again. But this time, things are a bit different. At the end of the weekend, he finds himself not wanting to leave Kevin, especially when Kevin suggests that perhaps more could develop between them. But instead, Tom ran as fast as he could. Ran back to his safe life, a life disconnected from other human beings.
Even though he returned to his normal life, he was not the same after that weekend and he found himself often thinking of Kevin. He ended up regretting his decision, but realizing ultimately that it was all for the best.
But alas, he find himself pulled out of his comfort zone once again, when the theater director recruits him as an assistant director for the school’s production of “Rent”, a controversial play with a strong gay theme. But that’s not all – Tom encounters Kevin once again, this time at school and discovers that one of his students, who recently moved to the area, is Kevin’s daughter.
What follows is a powerful and gripping story of a man who comes to terms with the horrifying physical and emotional tragedy in his past that has paralyzed him for the past sixteen years. This is a heartfelt, complex story that was not only engaging, but uplifting as we learn about Tom’s true reason for emotionally disconnecting from life and witness his healing as Kevin refuses to abandon him.
Now I will admit that I almost gave up while reading the first part of the book. It definitely got off to a bit of a slow start and I debated whether or not to complete it. Well, I am so glad that I did! I laughed, cried, and did a fair amount of nail-biting throughout the rest of this wonderful story. So don’t be put off by the slow start. Hang in there — it is definitely worth sticking with it.
This is the first novel I have read by this author and am looking forward to reading more. The book was well-written, the characters realistic and the plot gripping. Highly recommended!!
You can check out the book HERE
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